Benefits and Precautions of Massage

Benefits and Precautions of Massage

Massage therapy is a method of relieving discomfort and stress that requires manipulation of your soft tissues of the body. Techniques used for massage are typically applied using the hands, knees, elbows and forearms. There are a variety of different kinds of massage. There are three types of massages: deep tissue, sports and Swedish. Also, you should be aware of what benefits massage can bring and what you should do prior to beginning the treatment.


Massage is a great way to relieve chronic pain, like arthritis or low back tension. Massage may also help for relaxation and stress relief. Massage may improve sleep quality and reduce anxiety. Nearly one third of Americans have received at least one massage during the last year. The majority of respondents reported having an appointment for a massage in order to boost their overall health.

Research has revealed that massage can improve the quality of sleep for sufferers who are anxious or depressed. Massage made them feel happier. The reason for this could have to do to the fact that massage can reduce stress levels and help to help people sleep faster. Massage encourages sleep that's more restful for those struggling with insomnia. Massage can also decrease the amount of cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that can interfere with sleep.


There are many massage methods to help relax your body. A few of the most popular methods include effleurage. It is an ebb and flow motion that involves using the palms of hands for applying pressure to the skin. This assists in stretching tissues as well as increase circulation of blood throughout the body. This is a fantastic technique to relieve stress, tension, and eliminate any toxins that are in the muscles.

The massage therapist is able to alter the intensity and speed of their methods in order to satisfy the specific preferences of the patient. Most of the time, they begin by applying light pressure and gradually increase the pressure. However, this does not mean that the masseur has to use too much pressure on the areas that are sensitive.

Side effects

Many people are not experiencing any negative side effects following the massage. Some individuals could experience soreness or swelling for as long as seven days. It's normal to have this type of side effect because of tension during massage. To minimize irritation to tissues the most important thing is to not overdo the massage.

If you're expecting, you should avoid massage, because it could harm your unborn baby. Massages that is applied to an open cut or bone fracture could cause a blood clot to form. It is very dangerous because it is possible that it will be transmitted to your brain or heart and cause strokes and heart attacks. If you are suffering from any form of bleeding disorders, talk to your physician before getting massage.

Make sure you take care

Prior to beginning any massage therapy, you should consult with your physician or health care specialist. Certain individuals are not suitable for particular massage techniques, for example, those with skin disorders. However, even if they're fit and healthy, some patients might experience adverse reactions to massage therapy. Be aware of the fact that certain drugs can result in adverse effects from massage therapy.

If you're uncertain about the condition of your client's health, discuss their medical history with them and take any medical records with you. The information you gather will help you protect others from contagious diseases. Also, it is important to understand any allergic reactions you have clients who may suffer from. It is also essential to maintain your work space and equipment cleaned and disinfected. Therapists must be aware of the highest standards of hygiene.


Massage therapy's history dates back to the 17th century, when doctors and surgeons began to use the technique to treat their patients. Women were the first masseuses with little or no training and were frequently employed by surgeons and doctors for help in helping patients recover with basic massage techniques. They gained recognition before becoming a registered profession within the United States.

Massage for therapeutic purposes was used by ancient Greeks and also followed in the Hippocratic Oath. This practice was later taken to Japan and was further developed. In the nineteenth century, Japanese monks adapted this practice, creating what we know today as shatsu.